
var https = require('https'),
	neuron = require('neuron'), // For managing asyncrhonous tasks https://github.com/flatiron/neuron
	utile = require('utile'), // Adds some functionality beyond util https://github.com/flatiron/utile
	nconf = require('nconf'), // Used to pass command line param and read config.json https://github.com/flatiron/nconf
	nodemailer = require("nodemailer"), // Used to send email https://github.com/andris9/Nodemailer
	cronJob = require("cron").CronJob, // For scheduling tasks https://github.com/ncb000gt/node-cron
	plates = require("plates"), // Templating for emails https://github.com/flatiron/plates
	logMyCallsToZoho = {};
process.title = 'logMyCallsToZoho';

Version 0.0.1

logMyCallsToZoho.version = [0, 0, 1];

load our config file

nconf.argv().file({ file: './config.json' });

var manager = new neuron.JobManager();

Retrieve a list of all calls starting with the last id + 1

manager.addJob('getNewCalls', {

	work: function ( nconf ) {
		var self = this;
		var req = https.request({
			host: "api.logmycalls.com", 
			headers: {
				"Accept": "application/json"
			path: "/services/getCallDetails?api_key=" + 
				nconf.get("logMyCallsConfig:API") + "&api_secret=" + 
				nconf.get("logMyCallsConfig:Secret") + "&sort_by=id&sort_order=asc&start=" + 
			port: 443,
			method: 'GET' }, 
			function(res) {
				var body = '';
				res.on('data', function (chunk) {
				res.on('end', function () {

parse the JSON response


For each call (use utile's each)


enqueue job to check to see if this number is recognized by zoho


enqueue job to send notification via email

					self.finished = true;
		req.on('error', function(e) {

Define job to see if this number is recognized by zoho

if this number is recognized then enqueue job to add a call event to the lead or contact (not sure which yet)


else enqueue job to add a new lead or contact and add call(not sure which yet)


Define job to add a call event to the lead or contact

Add call event


enqueue job to update last call in config.json

Define job to add lead or contact and call event

Add lead or content


Add call event


enqueue job to update last call in config.json


Define job to send notification via email

Send email


Fires every time a job finshes

Not sure you will need this

manager.on('finish', function (job, worker) {
	var idle = true;
	for (i = 0, j = Object.keys(this.jobs).length; i<j; i++ ) {
		var name = Object.keys(this.jobs)[i];
		if ( Object.keys(this.jobs[name].running).length > 0 || this.jobs[name].queue.length > 0) idle = false;

If there are not jobs running (not sure you need this)

	if (idle) {

Program entry point

var jobs = nconf.get("jobs");

Loop through all the jobs in the config.json file and put them on chron

utile.each(jobs, function(job, key, obj) {
	new cronJob(job.schedule, 
	    	manager.enqueue(job.type, nconf);  
	    }, null, true

If the user passed --mode test then run a test immediately

if (nconf.get('mode') === "test") {
	manager.enqueue('getNewCalls', nconf);