* The j5e Animation module handles tweening between a series of key frames. Works with with the LED, RGB, and Servo classes.
* @module j5e/animation
* @requires module:j5e/fn
* @requires module:j5e/event
import { constrain, timer } from "j5e/fn";
import { Emitter } from "j5e/event";
function linear(n) {
return n;
* Class representing an Animation
* @classdesc Allows for scripted control of LEDs, RGBs, and Servos
* @extends module:j5e/event.Emitter
* @fires animation:pause
* @fires animation:stop
class Animation extends Emitter {
* Animation
* @constructor
* @param {LED|LED[]|RGB|RGB[]|Servo|Servo[]} target - LEDs, RGBs, and/or Servos to be animated (See {@tutorial D-ANIMATING} for more information)
* @example
* <caption>Make a servo "wave"</caption>
* import Servo from "j5e/servo";
* import Animation from "j5e/animation";
* const servo = await new Servo(13);
* const ani = await new Animation(servo);
* const wave = {
* duration: 4000,
* cuePoints: [0, 0.375, 0.625, 1],
* keyFrames: [0, 135, 45, 180],
* loop: true,
* metronomic: true
* };
* ani.enqueue(wave);
constructor(target) {
Object.assign(this, new Segment());
this.defaultTarget = target || {};
* Add an animation segment to the animation queue (See {@tutorial D-ANIMATING} for more information)
* @param {object} options - Animation segment options
* @param {object[]} options.keyFrames - Values for each cuepoint
* @param {number[]} [options.cuePoints=[0, 1]] - Segment cuepoints from 0-1
* @param {number} [options.duration=1000] - Duration of segment in ms
* @param {fuction} [options.easing=linear()] - Easing function to use for segment
* @param {boolean} [options.loop=false] - If true the segment will loop back
* @param {number} [options.loopback=0] - The time to loop back to [0-1]
* @param {boolean} [options.metronomic=false] - Instead of looping back to the beginning it will reverse direction at the end of the segment
* @param {number} [options.currentSpeed=1] - The playback speed [0-1]
* @param {number} [options.progress] - The current progress
* @param {number} [options.fps=50] - Frames per second
* @param {number} [options.rate=20] - ms between frames
* @param {boolean} [options.paused=false] - Wether the animation is in a paused state
* @param {function} [options.onstart=null] - Function to call when the segment starts
* @param {function} [options.onpause=null] - Function to call when the segment is paused
* @param {function} [options.onstop=null] - Function to call when the segment is stopped
* @param {function} [options.oncomplete=null] - Function to call when the segment is complete
* @param {function} [options.onloop=null] - Function to call when the segment loops
* @example
* <caption>Make a servo "wave"</caption>
* import Servo from "j5e/servo";
* import Animation from "j5e/animation";
* const servo = await new Servo(13);
* const ani = await new Animation(servo);
* const wave = {
* duration: 4000,
* cuePoints: [0, 0.375, 0.625, 1],
* keyFrames: [0, 135, 45, 180],
* loop: true,
* metronomic: true
* };
* ani.enqueue(wave);
enqueue(options = {}) {
if (typeof options.target === "undefined") {
options.target = this.defaultTarget;
if (typeof options.easing === "undefined") {
options.easing = linear;
if (!this.paused && !this.isRunning) {
return this;
* Plays next segment in queue. Not meant to be called externally.
* @returns this
* @private
next() {
this.isRunning = true;
if (this.segments.length > 0) {
let segments = this.segments;
Object.assign(this, new Segment(segments.shift()));
this.segments = segments;
this.paused = this.currentSpeed === 0 ? true : false;
if (this.onstart) {
if (this.reverse) {
this.currentSpeed *= -1;
if (this.currentSpeed !== 0) {
} else {
this.paused = true;
} else {
return this;
* Resume play on an animation after it has been paused or stopped.
* @returns Animation
* @example
* <caption>Make a servo "wave" for five seconds, pause for one second and then resume waving</caption>
* import Servo from "j5e/servo";
* import Animation from "j5e/animation";
* import {timer} from "j5e/fn";
* const servo = await new Servo(13);
* const ani = await new Animation(servo);
* const wave = {
* duration: 4000,
* cuePoints: [0, 0.375, 0.625, 1],
* keyFrames: [0, 135, 45, 180],
* loop: true,
* metronomic: true
* };
* ani.enqueue(wave);
* timer.setTimeout(function() {
* ani.pause();
* }, 5000);
* timer.setTimeout(function() {
* ani.play();
* }, 6000);
play() {
const now = Date.now();
if (this.playLoop) {
this.paused = false;
this.isRunning = true;
// Find our timeline endpoints and refresh rate
this.scaledDuration = this.duration / Math.abs(this.currentSpeed);
this.startTime = now - this.scaledDuration * this.progress;
this.endTime = this.startTime + this.scaledDuration;
this.frameCount = 0;
if (this.fps) {
this.rate = 1000 / this.fps;
this.rate = this.rate | 0;
this.playLoop = new Timer(this);
return this;
* Pause animation while maintaining progress, speed and segment queue
* @returns Animation
* @example
* <caption>Make a servo "wave" for five seconds, pause for one second and then resume waving</caption>
* import Servo from "j5e/servo";
* import Animation from "j5e/animation";
* import {timer} from "j5e/fn";
* const servo = await new Servo(13);
* const ani = await new Animation(servo);
* const wave = {
* duration: 4000,
* cuePoints: [0, 0.375, 0.625, 1],
* keyFrames: [0, 135, 45, 180],
* loop: true,
* metronomic: true
* };
* ani.enqueue(wave);
* timer.setTimeout(function() {
* ani.pause();
* }, 5000);
* timer.setTimeout(function() {
* ani.play();
* }, 6000);
pause() {
if (this.playLoop) {
this.paused = true;
if (this.onpause) {
return this;
* Stop the animation, flushing the segment queue
* @returns Animation
* @example
* <caption>Make a servo "wave" for five seconds and then stop, flushing the queue</caption>
* import Servo from "j5e/servo";
* import Animation from "j5e/animation";
* import {timer} from "j5e/fn";
* const servo = await new Servo(13);
* const ani = await new Animation(servo);
* const wave = {
* duration: 4000,
* cuePoints: [0, 0.375, 0.625, 1],
* keyFrames: [0, 135, 45, 180],
* loop: true,
* metronomic: true
* };
* ani.enqueue(wave);
* timer.setTimeout(function() {
* ani.stop();
* }, 5000);
stop() {
this.segments = [];
this.isRunning = false;
if (this.playLoop) {
if (this.onstop) {
return this;
* Get or set the current playback speed
* @param {Number} [speed] - The desired playback speed (1 = normal)
* @return Animation
* @example
* <caption>Make a servo "wave" for one second, increase the speed, wait another second and decrease the speed for one second and then stop.</caption>
* import Servo from "j5e/servo";
* import Animation from "j5e/animation";
* import {timer} from "j5e/fn";
* const servo = await new Servo(13);
* const ani = await new Animation(servo);
* const wave = {
* duration: 4000,
* cuePoints: [0, 0.375, 0.625, 1],
* keyFrames: [0, 135, 45, 180],
* loop: true,
* metronomic: true
* };
* ani.enqueue(wave);
* timer.setTimeout(function() {
* ani.speed(2.0); // Speed up to 2x
* }, 1000);
* timer.setTimeout(function() {
* ani.speed(0.5); // Speed up to 1/2x
* }, 2000);
* timer.setTimeout(function() {
* ani.stop(); // Note, animation speed is still 0.5
* }, 3000);
speed(speed) {
if (typeof speed === "undefined") {
return this.currentSpeed;
} else {
this.currentSpeed = speed;
// Find our timeline endpoints and refresh rate
this.scaledDuration = this.duration / Math.abs(this.currentSpeed);
this.startTime = Date.now() - this.scaledDuration * this.progress;
this.endTime = this.startTime + this.scaledDuration;
if (!this.paused) {
return this;
* Called in each frame of the animation
* @private
loopFunction({ calledAt }) {
const localTarget = this.target || this.defaultTarget;
// Find the current timeline progress
const progress = this.calculateProgress(calledAt);
// Find the left and right cuePoints/keyFrames;
const indices = this.findIndices(progress);
// call render function with tweened value
localTarget.render(this.tweenedValue(indices, progress));
// See if we have reached the end of the animation
if ((this.progress === 1 && !this.reverse) || (progress === this.loopback && this.reverse)) {
if (this.loop || (this.metronomic && !this.reverse)) {
if (this.onloop) {
if (this.metronomic) {
this.reverse = this.reverse ? false : true;
//This line was causing RGB to "re-normalize" and break. I'm not sure why it is here.
this.progress = this.loopback;
this.startTime = Date.now() - this.scaledDuration * this.progress;
this.endTime = this.startTime + this.scaledDuration;
} else {
this.isRunning = false;
if (this.oncomplete) {
if (this.segments.length > 0) {
timer.setImmediate(() => {
} else {
* Find left and right cuepoints.
* @private
findIndices(progress) {
const indices = {
left: null,
right: null
// Find our current before and after cuePoints. Not intended to be called externally.
indices.right = this.cuePoints.findIndex(point => point >= progress);
indices.left = indices.right === 0 ? 0 : indices.right - 1;
return indices;
* Compute progress based on start time.
* @private
calculateProgress(calledAt) {
let progress = (calledAt - this.startTime) / this.scaledDuration;
if (progress > 1) {
progress = 1;
this.progress = progress;
if (this.reverse) {
progress = 1 - progress;
// Ease the timeline
// to do: When reverse replace inFoo with outFoo and vice versa. skip inOutFoo
return constrain(this.easing(progress), 0, 1);
* Find our tweened value based on left and right indices and current progress.
* @private
tweenedValue(indices, progress) {
const tween = {
duration: null,
progress: null
const result = this.keyFrames.map(keyFrame => {
const kIndices = {
left: null,
right: null
// If the keyframe at indices.left is null, move left
for (kIndices.left = indices.left; kIndices.left > -1; kIndices.left--) {
if (keyFrame[kIndices.left] !== null) {
// If the keyframe at indices.right is null, move right
kIndices.right = keyFrame.findIndex((frame, index) =>
index >= indices.right && frame !== null
// Find our progress for the current tween
tween.duration = this.cuePoints[kIndices.right] - this.cuePoints[kIndices.left];
tween.progress = (progress - this.cuePoints[kIndices.left]) / tween.duration;
// Catch divide by zero
if (!Number.isFinite(tween.progress)) {
tween.progress = this.reverse ? 0 : 1;
const left = keyFrame[kIndices.left];
const right = keyFrame[kIndices.right];
// Apply tween easing to tween.progress
// to do: When reverse replace inFoo with outFoo and vice versa. skip inOutFoo
tween.progress = right.easing(tween.progress);
// Calculate this tween value
let calcValue;
if (right.position) {
// This is a tuple
calcValue = right.position.map((value, index) => (value - left.position[index]) *
tween.progress + left.position[index]);
} else {
if (typeof right.value === "number" && typeof left.value === "number") {
calcValue = (right.value - left.value) * tween.progress + left.value;
} else {
calcValue = this.target.keys.reduce((accum, key) => {
accum[key] = (right.value[key] - left.value[key]) * tween.progress + left.value[key];
return accum;
}, {});
return calcValue;
return result;
* Make sure our keyframes conform to a standard.
* @private
normalizeKeyframes() {
let previousVal;
const cuePoints = this.cuePoints;
// Run through the target's normalization
this.keyFrames = this.target.normalize(this.keyFrames);
// keyFrames can be passed as a single dimensional array if
// there is just one servo/device. If the first element is not an
// array, nest this.keyFrames so we only have to deal with one format
if (!Array.isArray(this.keyFrames[0])) {
this.keyFrames = [this.keyFrames];
this.keyFrames.forEach(function(keyFrames) {
// Pad the right side of keyFrames arrays with null
for (let i = keyFrames.length; i < cuePoints.length; i++) {
keyFrames.forEach((keyFrame, i, source) => {
if (keyFrame !== null) {
// keyFrames need to be converted to objects
if (typeof keyFrame !== "object") {
keyFrame = {
step: keyFrame,
easing: linear
// Replace step values
if (typeof keyFrame.step !== "undefined") {
keyFrame.value = keyFrame.step === false ?
previousVal : previousVal + keyFrame.step;
// Set a default easing function
if (!keyFrame.easing) {
keyFrame.easing = linear;
// Copy value from another frame
if (typeof keyFrame.copyValue !== "undefined") {
keyFrame.value = source[keyFrame.copyValue].value;
// Copy everything from another keyframe in this array
if (keyFrame.copyFrame) {
keyFrame = source[keyFrame.copyFrame];
previousVal = keyFrame.value;
} else {
if (i === source.length - 1) {
keyFrame = {
value: previousVal,
easing: linear
} else {
keyFrame = null;
source[i] = keyFrame;
}, this);
return this;
* Local wrapper class for managing the timer
* @private
class Timer {
* @param {object} animation - The animation instance
* @private
constructor(animation) {
this.interval = timer.setInterval(() => {
calledAt: Date.now()
}, animation.rate);
stop() {
if (this.interval) {
this.interval = null;
* This class has no methods, it is a wrapper for short animation segments and not meant to be accessed publicly.
* @private
* @classdesc Sets and overrides default params
* @param {object} [options] - Animation segment options (See {@tutorial D-ANIMATING} for more information)
* @param {number[]} [options.cuePoints=[0, 1]] - Animation segment cuepoints from 0-1
* @param {number} [options.duration=1000] - Duration of animation segment in ms
* @param {fuction} [options.easing=linear()] - Easing function to use for segment
* @param {boolean} [options.loop=false] - If true the segment will loop back
* @param {number} [options.loopback=0] - The time to loop back to [0-1]
* @param {boolean} [options.metronomic=false] - Instead of looping back to the beginning it will reverse direction at the end of the segment
* @param {number} [options.currentSpeed=1] - The playback speed [0-1]
* @param {number} [options.progress] - The current progress
* @param {number} [options.fps=50] - Frames per second
* @param {number} [options.rate=20] - ms between frames
* @param {boolean} [options.paused=false] - Wether the animation is in a paused state
* @param {function} [options.onstart=null] - Function to call when animation starts
* @param {function} [options.onpause=null] - Function to call when animation is paused
* @param {function} [options.onstop=null] - Function to call when animation is stopped
* @param {function} [options.oncomplete=null] - Function to call when animation is complete
* @param {function} [options.onloop=null] - Function to call when animation loops
export class Segment {
constructor(options) {
this.cuePoints = [0, 1];
this.duration = 1000;
this.easing = linear;
this.loop = false;
this.loopback = 0;
this.metronomic = false;
this.currentSpeed = 1;
this.progress = 0;
this.fps = 50;
this.rate = 1000 / 50;
this.paused = false;
this.isRunning = false;
this.segments = [];
this.onstart = null;
this.onpause = null;
this.onstop = null;
this.oncomplete = null;
this.onloop = null;
if (options) {
Object.assign(this, options);
if (options.segments) {
this.segments = options.segments.slice();
export default Animation;