import Thermometer from "j5e/thermometer";
import { normalizeDevice, normalizeIO } from "j5e/fn";

 * Class representing an lm35
 * @classdesc The LM35 class allows for reading of LM35 thermistors
 * @memberof module:j5e/thermometer
 * @async
 * @inheritdoc
 * @extends module:j5e/thermometer~Thermometer
 * @fires data
 * @fires change

class LM35 extends Thermometer {

   * Instantiate an lm35 Thermometer
   * @param {number|string|object} io - Pin identifier or IO Options (See {@tutorial C-INSTANTIATING})
   * @example
   * <caption>Use a LM35</caption>
   * import LM35 from "j5e/lm35";
   * const myLM35 = await new LM35(12);
   * myLM35.on("change", function(data) {
   *   trace(data.C);
   * });
  constructor(io) {
    return (async() => {
      io = normalizeIO(io);

      const sensor = await super(io);

        toCelsius: function(raw) {
          // VOUT = 1500 mV at 150°C
          // VOUT = 250 mV at 25°C
          // VOUT = –550 mV at –55°C

          const mV = this.aref * 1000 * raw / this.resolution;

          // 10mV = 1°C
          // Page 1
          return Math.round(mV / 10);

      return sensor;


   * Configure an LM35
   * @returns {LM35} The instance on which the method was called
   * @inheritdoc
   * @example
   * <caption>Passing in Cofiguration Options</caption>
   * import LM35 from "j5e/lm35";
   * const thermometer = await new LM35({
   *  pin: 14
   * });
   * thermometer.on("change", data => {
   *  trace(thermometer.celsius);
   * });
  configure(options = {}) {
    options = normalizeDevice(options);


    if (options.toCelsius) {
      this.customToCelsius = options.toCelsius;

    return this;


export default LM35;